Our school now has access to a reading app called Sora. It is the Alberta Public School Shared Digital Collection, full of eBooks (including graphic novels, fiction, nonfiction books for all ages), audio books, and magazines. Preferences can be set to everything that is available or to what is currently available, as well as to what format, audience, etc.
You can access it by adding the Sora app or type in the following address: www.soraapp.com/library/apssdcca, then on the drop down menu select “Lethbridge School District No. 51.
If you are not taken directly to the drop down, click on “My School is Alberta Public School K-12 Shared Digital Collection”, then follow the drop down menu instructions above.
Your child will then be able to sign in using his/her school email and password.
If you have any questions, or trouble accessing Sora, feel free to contact Sarah Baker, Senator Buchanan’s Learning Commons Facilitator at: sarah.baker@lethsd.ab.ca.